Privacy Policy

GENERAL INFORMATION on the website, for the purposes provided for in Act 34/2002 on Information Company and Electronic Commerce Services.

Owner: EL CORTE INGLÉS, S.A. C.I.F.: A-28017985

Company Domicile: C/ Hermosilla Nº 112. 28009 MADRID e-mail:

Telephone:+34 91 401 85 00

Registration data: Registered in the Commercial Register of Madrid Volume 677, GRAL.61, SECTION 4 of the Book of Companies, Folio 182, Sheet No. 8085


  • Access to the website, content and information.

Access to this website is the sole responsibility of the users, and implies accepting and knowing the legal warnings, conditions and terms of use contained therein.

EL CORTE INGLÉS, S.A. reserves the right to make, at any time, any changes and modifications deemed convenient and necessary for the website without prior notice.

The User guarantees the authenticity and accuracy of all data communicated or that could be communicated.

The User shall be responsible for the inaccuracy or lack of accuracy of the information provided.

1.2. Obligation to make proper use of the website and the contents.

The User undertakes the correct use of the website and utilities provided in accordance with the law, this legal notice, as well as instructions and notices that communicate it.

The User undertakes to use the website exclusively, and all its contents, for lawful and non-prohibited purposes, that do not violate current legislation and/or may be detrimental to the legitimate rights of “EL CORTE INGLÉS” and the companies of the group “EL CORTE INGLÉS” or any third party, and/or that may cause any damage or prejudice directly or indirectly.

For this purpose, the User shall refrain from using any of the contents of the website for illicit purposes or effects, prohibited in this Legal Notice, harmful to the rights and interests of third parties or that, in any way, may damage, disable, overburden, deteriorate or prevent the normal use of the website, computer equipment or documents, files and all kinds of content stored on any computer equipment (hacking) of the EL CORTE INGLÉS GROUP, of other Users or any Internet user (hardware and software).

In particular, and in a purely indicative and non-exhaustive way, the User undertakes not to transmit, disseminate or make available information, data, content, messages, graphics, drawings, sound and/or image files, photographs, software and, in general, any kind of material that:

(a) are in any way contrary, disregards or threatens the fundamental rights and public freedoms constitutionally recognized, in International Treaties and in other legislation;

(b) induce, incite or promote criminal, denigratory, defamatory, violent, or generally against the law, morals and generally accepted good practices or public order;

(c) induce, incite or promote discriminatory actions, attitudes or thoughts on the basis of sex, race, religion, belief, age or condition;

(d) incorporate, make available or allow access to criminal, violent, offensive, harmful, degrading, or generally illegal products, elements, messages and/or services against the law, morals and generally accepted good practices or to the public order;

(e) are false, ambiguous, inaccurate, exaggerated or extemporaneous, so as to induce or mislead its object or the intentions or purposes of the communicant;

(f) are protected by any intellectual or industrial property rights belonging to third parties, without the User having previously obtained from its owners the authorization necessary to the use they make or intend to make;

(g) violate the trade secrets of third parties;

(h) are contrary to the right to honor, to personal and family privacy or to the image of people;

(i) in any way impair the credit of the EL CORTE INGLÉS GROUP or third parties;

(j) violate the rules on privacy of communications;

(k) constitute, where appropriate, unlawful, misleading or disloyal advertising and, in general, constitute unfair competition;

(l) incorporate viruses or other physical or electronic elements that may damage or impede the normal operation of the network, computer system or equipment (hardware and software) of the EL CORTE INGLÉS GROUP or third parties or that may damage electronic documents and files stored on such computer equipment;

(m) causes by its characteristics (such as format, extension, etc.) difficulties in the normal operation of the Service;

In accordance with the foregoing, the User undertakes to use the contents made available to Users on the website, understood, without restriction, texts, photographs, graphics, images, icons, technology, software, links and other audiovisual or sound content, as well as its graphic design and source codes (hereinafter the “Contents”), in accordance with the law, this Legal Notice, other notices, regulations on usage and instructions under their knowledge, as well as with morality and generally accepted good customs and public order, and, in particular, undertakes to refrain from:

(a) reproduce, copy, distribute, make available or otherwise communicate publicly, transform or modify the Contents, unless authorized by the owner of the corresponding rights or is legally permitted;

(b) suppress, manipulate or otherwise alter the copyright and other identifying data of the rights reserved by EL CORTE INGLÉS or companies of the EL CORTE INGLÉS group or its owners, fingerprints or any other technical means established for its recognition.

The User shall refrain from obtaining or even attempting to obtain the Content by using means or procedures other than those which, depending on the case, have been made available for this purpose or have been indicated for this purpose on the website where the Contents is found or, in general, those that are usually used on the Internet for this purpose, provided that they do not involve the risk of damage or disable the website, Services and/or Contents.

In particular, the use of the photographic and audio/video files of the website are subject to the following conditions:

Its use it commercial purposes and/or its subsequent distribution is prohibited. The images and audiovisual resources available here are for the exclusive use of the media and for informational purposes only, provided their source is quoted. It is therefore prohibited to use it to illustrate the activities, products or events of other companies. The companies of the El Corte Inglés group reserve the right to withdraw the permission to use any of these images or audio/video files when it considers that they are designated for purposes that somehow damage their interests.

1.3 Industrial and intellectual property rights

The User undertakes to respect the industrial property rights of EL CORTE INGLÉS and the companies of the “EL CORTE INGLÉS” group and of any other third party. The use or granting of access to the website does not imply the granting of any right over the trademarks, trade names or any other distinctive sign used in it.

The user will be able to download the website in their terminal whenever it is for private use, without any commercial purpose, the reason why they will not be able to exploit, reproduce, distribute, modify, communicate publicly, transfer, transform or use the content of the website for public or commercial purposes.

Also, the Contents are the intellectual property of EL CORTE INGLÉS, S.A. or of the companies belonging to the EL CORTE INGLÉS GROUP, understood as not having been assigned to the User, pursuant to the provisions of this Legal Notice, any of the exploitation rights or any others that exist or may exist on said Contents beyond strictly necessary for the correct use of the website.

1.4. Duration of service.

EL CORTE INGLÉS does not guarantee the availability and continuity of the functioning of the Website. When reasonably possible, THE  EL CORTE INGLÉS will first warn of interruptions in the functioning of the Website.  Neither does EL CORTE INGLÉS guarantee the usefulness of the website for the performance of any concrete activity nor its infallibility.

Access to the WEBSITE of EL CORTE INGLÉS has an indefinite duration; however, EL CORTE INGLÉS reserves the right to suspend without prior notice the access to Users that, in its judgment, violate the rules of use of its website and exercise the appropriate legal measures.


EL CORTE INGLÉS and the “EL CORTE INGLÉS” group of companies make the maximum effort to avoid any error in the contents of the website, but does not guarantee nor is responsible for possible errors in the contents of the website.

EL CORTE INGLÉS and the group of companies “EL CORTE INGLÉS” excludes any liability for damages of any nature whatsoever arising from:

2.1 The interruption of the operation or the lack of availability of access to the website.

2.2. The privacy and security in the use of the website by the User, and/or unauthorized access by unauthorized third parties.

2.3. The eventual transmission of elements that negatively affect computer systems.

2.4. The accuracy, completeness and timely updating of the contents of its Website.


EL CORTE INGLÉS may use cookies to facilitate navigation on its website and to know the preferences of the User, allowing their recognition. But the User can configure their computer to accept or reject the cookies received. In addition to following the indications of the different warning screens of the website. Cookies policy


The provision of the service is governed by Spanish law, the Courts of Madrid being competent, to which the User expressly submits.


The newsletter is a digital, news publication which is sent via email on a regular basis (daily, weekly, monthly, two-monthly or quarterly). It usually contains articles of interest about the brand and subjects relating to the brand.

El Corte Inglés, S.A. is the Controller of the personal data of the interested person and hereby informs them that their data will be handled in accordance with the provisions of the current regulations on personal data protection, and therefore provides them with the following information on the handling:


Purpose of the handling: subscribe to the newsletter or news bulletin with the objective of regularly receiving a digital publication which includes basic information on the stores, brands, specific actions and services exclusively offered by El Corte Inglés to registered customers.

Your data will be stored as long as there is a mutual interest to maintain the purpose of the handling, and it shall be deleted when it is no longer necessary for this purpose.

Furthermore, you will be able to unsubscribe at any time via the Newsletter section of the website, as well as by following the instructions we send you in each communication.

Legitimation: The legality of the handling is determined by your consent, which has been provided and retrieved through the website.

Recipients: Your data shall not be transferred to third parties.

Rights: You have the right to access your personal data, as well as to request for incorrect data to be corrected. You also have the right, where appropriate, to request for your personal data to be deleted when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was gathered.

In certain circumstances, you will be able to request to limit or oppose the handling of your data. In such cases we will only keep it in order to process or support claims.

When technically possible, you may request for your data to be transferred to another data controller. In such cases we will only keep it in order to process or support claims.

To exercise these rights, you may contact us at C/ Hermosilla, 112. 28009 Madrid (REF. LOPD), call us by telephone at 901 122 122, or send us an email to, providing proof of your identity.

You may submit a claim to the Spanish Agency for Data Protection, especially when you consider that your rights have not been complied with. For more information, please visit