The Work From Home Guide

The Work From Home Guide

While we all adjust to our new normal, working from home (WFH) can be particularly challenging for some, especially those who’s businesses thrive on team collaboration. Since we are all in the same boat, we want to share some tips on how to make the transition a bit smoother.

Stay On A Normal Work Week Schedule


Set your alarm for the same time you normally would and keep your morning routine on track…get ready as if you were going to work. Of course, we know you save some time by not having to commute, but we highly recommend staying on schedule. Use the time you would normally dedicate to travel to your advantage…respond to emails, squeeze in a quick workout, get a little ahead on your projects.

Stay In Touch With The Team


Don’t cancel meetings. It is more important than ever to have direct communication with your coworkers and make sure to include junior people, who might not normally be invited to such meetings…you never know what they may have to contribute.

Maintain Your Office Dress Code


Of course, we aren’t suggesting you wear a suit and tie for video conferences, but it is still important to look as professional as possible. So, wear a nice shirt or sweater. Taking pride in your appearance right now is just as important as ever…it allows you and your team to still feel like they are really dedicated to work. We know it is easy to get distracted at home.

Take A Mini Break


This is just as important right now as getting your work done…schedule some time for lunch, spend some time with the kids, stretch, look at your Instagram. Self-care is crucial to productivity, so don’t be afraid to take some me-time.

Follow these easy steps and you may be surprised at how productive you become…embrace this new WFH normal wholeheartedly.